Leading with values: The lighthouse in today’s storm


In today’s uncertain world, a values-driven leader is like a lighthouse in a storm.

Values provide clarity and direction amidst turbulence, preventing leaders from reacting impulsively or slipping into autopilot mode. This is the essence of value-based leadership, and it's more important now than ever in our VUCA environment.

In such a world, decisions aren’t always clear-cut, and leaders can’t rely on rigid plans or outdated playbooks. Value-based leadership helps us stay anchored. It guides our actions with principles that matter most; building trust, creating positive cultures and inspiring a high-performance teams. It’s about doing what is right, not what is easy.

Based on my observations and conversations with my Leadership Pod members, here are key values that matter more now than ever:

  1. Accountability:  Leaders who take ownership of their actions, decisions, and outcomes. They drive performance through clear expectations and consistent follow up.

  2. Authenticity: Being real, transparent and consistent, with no hidden agendas.

  3. Caring: Connecting with the team on a human level, focusing on their well-being and development. Leaders want the best for their team.

  4. Collaboration: Fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued. They are open-minded, respectful, and believe in the collective wisdom of the team.

  5. Courage: Making tough decisions, confronting issues, and challenging non-performers. They make necessary changes, even when it’s unpopular or difficult.  

  6. Excellence: Technically sound and competent in their craft. They strive for high standards and lead by example.

  7. Growth: Embracing a mindset of continuous learning and improvement as lifelong students.

  8. Humility: Listening, admitting mistakes, and prioritizing team success over personal ego. They know they don’t have all the answers.

  9. Perseverance: Persisting through challenges and staying committed to the mission. They don’t crumble under pressure.

  10. Vision: Inspiring with a clear direction and motivating others towards a common goal.

What other key values did I miss?


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