How to improve your emotional intelligence (EQ) as a leader


In my previous post, I introduced The Four Quadrants of Emotional Intelligence (EQ):

  1. Self-Awareness Quadrant: Recognizing & understanding your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values.

  2. Self-Regulation Quadrant: Managing your emotions and impulses, especially under stress.

  3. Social Awareness Quadrant: Empathizing with the emotions of others.

  4. Relationship Management Quadrant: Building healthy relationships using your emotional awareness.

EQ can be developed just like any other skill. Here’s how to enhance your EQ as a leader:


  • Journal Regularly: Reflect on your thoughts and emotions.

  • Seek Feedback: Get insights from trusted peers.

  • Own Your Actions: Instead of blaming others, ask 'Am I the problem?'

  • Practice Mindfulness: Recognize emotional triggers.

  • Check-in with Yourself: Periodically assess your emotional state.


  • Pause Before Reacting: Think before responding.

  • Move Your Body: Physical activity helps release tension.

  • Positive Self-talk: Replace negative thoughts with constructive ones.

  • Deep Breathing: Calm your mind with breathing techniques.

  • Set Boundaries: Protect your time and energy by learning to say “No.”

Social Awareness

  • Empathize: Understand others’ emotions by putting yourself in their shoes.

  • Check Their Pulse: Ask about their feelings directly.

  • Observe Body Language: Non-verbal cues can be more revealing than words

  • Be Present: Focus fully on the other person.

  • Be Culturally Sensitive: Respect different emotional expressions.

Relationship Management

  • Seek to Understand: Grasp the full situation before responding.

  • Listen Actively: Listen to understand, not just to reply.

  • Enable Solutions: Empower others find their own answers.

  • Resolve Conflicts: Aim for win-win outcomes with empathy.

  • Show Appreciation: Regularly recognize others’ contributions.

Improving your emotional intelligence is an ongoing journey. EQ involves managing your emotions and connecting meaningfully with others. Start practicing today and see your leadership impact grow.


Leading with values: The lighthouse in today’s storm


The 4 quadrants of emotional intelligence