Every strength has its dark side


We’ve been told many times to “play to our strengths”. Even during interviews, we are asked the famous question, “What are your strengths?”

But there is a dark side to our superpowers when we overuse it.

For those who are currently working with me or have worked with me before, they would say that I’m a very COLLABORATIVE person. Apparently, I have the reputation of being able to naturally galvanize teams towards a common vision because I’m good at making people feel heard.

Yet, the dark side of this strength is that I can come across as INDECISIVE. I’ve received this feedback before in my 360-performance review: “Kausern is a good listener and values our opinion but sometimes, all we need is his perspective. He needs to be more directive and decisive.”

Here are more examples when our strengths are taken to extremes:

  • PASSIONATE leaders may come across as DIFFICULT to their team members because they have high standards and a relentless demand to get things done right and excellently.

  • DETAIL-ORIENTED leaders could fall into the trap of being a PERFECTIONIST. As a result, it would frustrate their team because they feel they are being micromanaged.

  • BIG PICTURE leaders may come across as UNREALISTIC because the ideas they have could be impractical. “If only the boss would’ve spent some time on the important details, we could’ve avoided wasting our time on this project.”

We all have strengths. But when we overstretch it, it could show its dark side.

Hence, we need to develop the wisdom to know when not to overuse it and when to use it strategically.


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