The 3 buckets framework


This is probably one of the best advice I’ve received from one of my former bosses. And I want to share this with you and hope you find it helpful.

Let me set up the context.

When I was starting out as a Head of Department, I was constantly overwhelmed. I felt I was pulled in all directions. I was busy all day but yet, at the end of it, it felt as if I have not accomplished anything.

Sensing my state of constant stress and fatigue, he pulled me aside and checked-in on my wellbeing. After unloading on him, he offered me this advice:

“As a leader of a department (or an organization), there are 3 buckets you need to pay attention to. They are Operations, The Future and People. The trick is to find a balance in all three. There will be seasons where one bucket will demand more focus, but ultimately, you need to find that balance.”

He further elaborated this framework.

  • Operations: All the current “house on fire” matters. 🔥

  • The Future: Think and strategize ways to prevent the house from catching fire ie. innovations, opportunities, new businesses, new ways of working etc.

  • People: Identify and galvanize the right people to firefight and another group to prevent the house from catching fire.

These days whenever I feel fatigue and overwhelmed with office matters, I will revisit this 3 buckets framework. It’s a framework to simplify the complex and it has helped me to identify the source of what’s causing me to be awake at night.


Every strength has its dark side