Actions speak louder than words


I’ve always struggled with this:

That I trust people easily. My heart is easily swayed by their words. And I get hurt in the process.

I never really learn from it because I will continue to trust the same person who has hurt me time and time again.

Perhaps it’s just my sincere personality and hence, believe that everyone is sincere too.

Perhaps, I believe there is good in everyone.

Perhaps I refuse to live a life of fear where I feel like everyone is out to get me and take advantage of me.

“You’re such a fool, Kausern.”
“Don’t be a ‘sor chai’ la!”
“You’re too naive. Grow up Kausern! Don’t trust people easily because not everyone will approach you sincerely.”

Recently, I was hurt again.

But this time I had a revelation on how to deal with this more effectively. One that will help me to be still aligned with my childlike nature of thinking the best of people but yet, having the wisdom to stop trusting the wrong person.

And that is to: Observe a person’s actions over time. The truth is in their patterns, not so much their words.

Actions speak louder than words. Don’t be too caught up with what you can see on the surface. What matters most is their track record. Take your time. Always pay attention to how they have acted in the past and it will clue you in on how they may act in the future.


Leadership is worth fighting for


Every strength has its dark side