Leadership is worth fighting for


For anaything worth having one must pay the price with work, patience, self-sacrifice and love. And this is how I strongly feel about leadership.

However, in today’s business world where it’s all about “scale” and “growth”, many choose not to invest their energy and focus on leadership development because it doesn’t yield “10x” outcomes fast enough.

Moreover, leadership is most often the hardest to scale as the organisation grows.

Let’s face it, the leadership “business” is messy, hard to control and unpredictable. Why? Because we are dealing with people. And the human behaviour is all of that.

It can get lonely too.

And sometimes after having invested all the blood, sweat and tears, our staff leaves us for a better paying job.

So, why is this business of leadership still worth fighting for, at least for me?

Well, a while back, one of my leaders at Nuffnang came up to me and shared something that moved me to my core.

He said, “Thank you for always having my back. I don’t have children now. But when I do, I will pass down what I’ve learned from you to them.”


Maybe it’s because I don’t have kids myself. But to know that a part of me will be passed down the generations makes me feel that my short life here on Earth - did matter to some people around me.

And it’s moments like this that keeps me going.


It doesn’t matter how you feel


Actions speak louder than words