It doesn’t matter how you feel


Because our feelings are never a good gauge for reality. Our emotions can easily cloud our judgement.

Just the other day, I had a misunderstanding with a person I cared a lot. It got me all worked up.

Thankfully, experience has taught me to immediately walk away before I say something hurtful. I proceeded to sort out my thoughts and emotions by writing it down - using this helpful framework:

  1. What is going through my mind?

  2. What emotions am I feeling?

  3. What would the situation look like from his/her perspective?

  4. What do I know is true of this situation?

  5. Knowing what I know now, what should I do next?

In summary, our feelings are a huge part of our identity, but it doesn’t have to control us. We’ll have less regrets about the decisions we make when we have a better grasp of our head and heart.


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