Project confidence with the CONFIDE framework


There is a fine line between confidence and bragging.

In my last post, I established the importance of having executive presence: meaning to be comfortable in projecting externally our inner confidence and competence to the world, thus giving us a competitive edge. 

But a drawback of executive presence is that we could potentially come across as a brag.  Striking the right balance between self-assuredness and humility can be challenging. Here are a few tips (using the acronym CONFIDE) on how to project confidence without coming across as bragging:

C - Conscious Sharing

Share your achievements tactfully 🏆

Instead of listing your accomplishments like a laundry list, highlight a few key achievements that are relevant to the conversation.

O - Open Acknowledgment

Acknowledge the team 🤜🤛

Recognize the contributions of your team. When you attribute success to collective efforts, it shows that you appreciate the collaborative aspect of your work. Use “we” instead of “I” when discussing accomplishments.

N - Nurture Skills

Focus on skills and abilities 🧠

Highlight your skills, knowledge, and expertise to contribute to solutions to challenges, instead of just talking about how awesome you are.

F – Foster Body Language

Use positive body language🚶‍♀️

Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and stand/sit with good posture. Non-verbal cues can convey confidence without the need for words.

I - Intentional Listening

Be a good listener👂

Confidence isn't just about talking; it's also about listening. Show genuine interest in others' perspectives and ideas.

D - Deeds, Not Words

Offer help and mentorship 🤝

Share your expertise by offering through mentorship and guidance. Not only does it demonstrate confidence, but it also pays it forward within your professional network.

E - Embrace Growth

Stay humble and open to feedback 🙌

Admit when you don't know something and be open to learning from others. Confidence doesn't mean you have all the answers; it means you're secure in your ability to adapt and grow professionally.

Projecting confidence is about being comfortable with who you are and what you bring to the table. It's not about name dropping, overshadowing others, or boasting. Bragging is often a sign of insecurity and low self-esteem, as you’re touting for admiration and compliments. ●


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Building executive presence