3 questions to ask yourself before quitting your job


I thank my lucky stars that through all my years working at @Nuffnang, some of my staff have felt safe enough to ask for my advice if they should quit or stay at their job. Perhaps it’s because I’ve always emphasised to them that it’s unrealistic for us to be working in the same company forever, that they were open to chatting with me when they felt stuck in their job.

Here’s the thing: deciding whether to leave a job is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. There isn't a one-size-fits-all framework because individual circumstances, priorities, and values vary greatly. However, you can use the following framework as a starting point to help you make an informed decision.

1. What is really frustrating me at work, right now?

“Because I hate my job” is a surface reason. You need to dig deeper. It’s important to figure out the specific reasons you want to leave your current job. The key words here are: Be Specific

Other questions you can ask yourself to consider your motivation of wanting to leave:

  • What exactly happened that made me feel this way? The task? The people? Both?

  • Can I do anything to change the situation?

  • Is there a possibility that this situation will change on its own in the coming months?

2. Have I done a personal deep dive?

Some people are not aware that they could be the problem. The job could be perfectly fine but because they’re unskilled at being happy in a job, they could be chasing an unattainable high - or don’t understand themselves well, they end up blaming everything else except themselves.

Other questions you can ask yourself to dive deeper:

  • What if I’m the problem? Am I the reason I’m unhappy at work?

  • What changes do I need to make to possibly turn this situation around?

  • Actually, what do I REALLY want?

3. Where do I want to go next?

Unfortunately, “A job that pays better” is another surface reason. I recommend doing thorough research before you quit your current job (if you can). You wouldn’t want to quit your job to go into a field that is about to suffer layoffs in the following year.

Other questions you can ask yourself to have better clarity on your next gig:

  • Besides money, what other conditions do I need to consider?

  • How will this potential job align with my personal values and priorities?

  • Who do I know that has worked or is currently working in this potential company?

There is no one answer to whether you should stay or quit your job. But this framework should be able to guide you or an individual you’re helping more thoroughly - to explore their current situation, future desired state and what’s stopping them from getting there, to aid them in their decision. ●


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