A leader’s most important role


Whenever I am asked this question, I’m unable to give a clear, simple and inspiring answer. Because everything seems important - to provide a vision, to be the strategist, to coach, to network, to innovate, to motivate and the list goes on.

But I received a revelation recently from a podcast sermon I was listening to. It came out of a clear blue sky:

The most important role of a leader is to take care of the people.

Taken from the book of John chapter 21, Jesus instructed Peter, his chief disciple to, “feed my sheep.”

To provide some context, this was the first major leadership directive to Peter (who went on to become the first Pope of the church).

Jesus could have instructed anything, but He chose, “Feed my sheep.” In other words, it is of utmost importance to Him that a leader should protect, nurture and grow the people under their care into full maturity.

The other thing that jumped out at me was the word, “my”. Jesus didn’t say, “Feed YOUR sheep”. To put it in another way, the team we have now is not ours. They belong to Him.

Simply put, when I die one day, I’m pretty sure Jesus won’t ask me how much money I have accumulated in the bank. However, I am quite certain He will ask me how well have I taken care of His people whom He has entrusted me to lead during my lifetime here.

Therefore, leaders should behave like stewards. A steward is a person hired by another person or an estate to manage their assets for growth.

Although what I’ve expressed above seems to apply to church leaders, I believe the marvelous meaning of this simple phrase, “feed my sheep” is relevant to leaders in every walk of life.


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