Leadership: One size does not fit all


Friends and industry acquaintances who have known me for years would describe my leadership style as empathetic and inclusive, driven by kindness at the heart of it. Many praised me for this style, so I naturally assumed being kind and understanding with everyone was the key to effective leadership.

While my intentions were noble, I soon realised that this leadership approach didn't resonate with everyone. Thanks to my company’s annual anonymous 360 feedback exercise (as well as some managers who were courageous enough to lay it on me), I learnt that some team members actually would have preferred a more direct and assertive leadership style from me. They wanted me to challenge them more and push their boundaries.

It was a revelation to me.

Was it naïve to treat everyone with respect and kindness? I don’t think so; it’s a fundamental aspect of being a compassionate and empathetic individual. But I admit it’s also important to recognize that some individuals may not respond positively to a supportive and gentle style. Sometimes kindness might take the form of correction or constructive criticism.

To be a “one size does not fit all” leader, we need to recognise that individuals have distinct personalities, motivations, and aspirations. What works for one team member might not necessarily inspire another. We must be willing to adjust our strategies accordingly with one purpose in mind – to nurture their strengths and bring out the best in them.

Here's how to tailor your leadership approach:

1. Listen and Learn:

The first step is to actively listen and learn about our team members. Everyone comes with unique strengths, preferences, and communication styles. By genuinely getting to understand their aspirations and challenges at a personal level, you’ll gain invaluable insights into how to tailor your leadership approach.

2. Embrace Adaptability:

Be open to keep changing your approach. Some may need more autonomy, while others prefer a more directive approach. Fine-tune your style to suit individual needs to ensure your team members are empowered to excel in their unique ways.

3. Foster a Safe Environment:

When people feel respected, valued, and able to express themselves without fear, they’ll be more open to taking risks and collaborating. This in turn allows us to understand each team member better, enabling us to adjust our leadership approach to unlock both our team’s potential and us as leaders.

How do you adapt your leadership style to cater to your amazing, unique team members? ●


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