Developing and nurturing high potential leaders


“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” - Bill Bradley

These past few weeks I’ve been outlining the process of spotting potential leaders within an organisation, and finally come to the last step. To recap:

Step 1: DEFINE how a model leader should look like in your organisation. Note that every company would have different traits and standards, and it shouldn’t be a one size fits all template.

Step 2: Having understood the traits, IDENTIFY individuals within your organisation who have demonstrated these traits.

The final step: Invest in the DEVELOPMENT of High Potentials (HiPo) to unlock their full potential.

Here are some strategies to nurture and develop HiPo:

Leadership Training Programme/Workshops:
Because leadership is complex and not formally taught, an organisation needs to develop a formal leadership training programme or workshop to teach HiPo important skills and competencies. Syllabuses could include learning various leadership styles and their applications in different situations, effective communication, conflict resolution, learning to manage up, coaching and other essential leadership skills. This could be done in-house or outsourced to external training providers who specialise in developing new and young leaders.

Mentoring and Coaching:
Establish mentoring and coaching programs to provide guidance and support to HiPo. Pair them with experienced leaders within the organisation who can provide valuable insights, share knowledge, and offer guidance on their leadership journey.

Leadership Support Group:
Create peer support groups so that members can share their challenges and experiences. Supportive environments can foster a strong sense of belonging and camaraderie, and members with leadership problems will be able to receive different perspectives from other members on solutions.

Assign Challenging Projects:
Provide potential leaders with challenging projects that will allow them to apply their newly learned skills and to develop new ones. For example: Assign cross-departmental projects to expose them to different aspects of the company. Practical opportunities will not only foster a holistic understanding of the organisation but will also expose them to the different challenges their co-workers from different departments are going through.

Recognition and Career Growth:
Recognise their efforts and celebrate their achievements. Offer opportunities for advancements, expanded responsibilities, or the chance to lead high-impact initiatives. Demonstrating a commitment to their growth, will not only motivate and retain them, but will also encourage them to continue growing and developing themselves as leaders.

No company, small or large, can win in the long run without committed and energised leaders who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. By putting in place this three-step process to spot potential leaders, organisations can continuously cultivate a strong leadership pipeline. ●


The power of small actions


Identifying potential leaders in your organisation