A new year message


“If you desire to accomplish little, sacrifice little. But if you want to accomplish great things, be willing to sacrifice much.” – John C. Maxwell.

Most people like the idea of becoming more successful, be it becoming fitter, closing more deals, paying more attention to relationships that matter, but the truth is that they don’t really want those things despite what they might say.

Success and sacrifice go hand in hand. In order to receive, we need to offer up something in return. I was once grossly overweight; for the sake of my health, I had to sacrifice my favourite food and force myself to exercise twice a day.

The life you’re leading today, whether you’re happy with it or not, is a result of the micro choices you made ‘yesterday’. And those choices usually involve some sort of sacrifice.

— When you were a child, you had to sacrifice the comforts of home to drag yourself to school.

— When you were in college, if you wanted to have excellent grades and be career ready, you had to sacrifice the incessant partying with your friends.

— When you wanted that promotion at work, you had to be more proactive, work both harder and smarter and put yourself out there.

— When you really wanted that dream car, but you had to put that dream aside for a family trip instead.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

As you’re all charged up to knock your New Year goals out of the park, remember there can be no success without sacrifice.

Thank you for all your support, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and to take a little break to relax and re-energise before coming back stronger and better in 2023!


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